Junk Drawer
Duck tape, Scotch Tape, masking tape, glue,
postage stamps, radish seeds, paper clips, comb,
three pairs of sunglasses (all broken),
four strips of negatives (all faces),
pliers, kite string, pinecones, chalk,
coupons for pizza and flowers and gas,
two earrings (mismatched), thumb tacks, nails,
scissors, golf ball, flashlight, tees,
bubble wand, five packs sugarless gum,
dish full of pennies and nickels and buttons,
three ticket stubs from Johnny Winter,
dental floss, Nylabone, Norwegian matches,
rabies tags from the 1990s,
double A batteries, old driver's license,
alphabet stickers, indelible markers,
pipe cleaners, chopsticks, pencils, Chapstick,
postcards from Paris and Zihuatanejo,
phillips screwdriver, disposable camera,
postcards from Rome and California,
whistle, piece of 100-year-old sidewalk,
vitamins, wine corks, staples, Altoids,
hammer, tennis ball, incense, Barbie shoe,
aspirin, tape measure, WD-40,
ashtray, sunscreen, kaleidoscope, door knob.

So, how much of this was actually tossed, and how much went right back in the drawer? ;-)
Love, Lindy
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