Sticks and Stones
My daughter's school received a bomb threat last week. No shit. "I have a bomb!" was found written on the wall of the girls' bathroom. With lipstick.
So. Back to our regularly-scheduled program.
Still, it gives one pause when the phone rings and an authoritative male voice on the line says,
"Good Morning! This is Harold Houdini, Principal of Animal House Middle School! I'm calling to update you on a situation we have here in the building..."
It being only 11:15 a.m., I groggily reply, "Hell-o...?" I'm thinking the dude's calling me personally, probably because my daughter is so special. But then he ignores my greeting and continues with the update, at which point I deduce this is a recording.
Speaking of which.
We're in Rewind. Once Again. Up North. Rewind back into prehistory. Back to the Stone Age. Back to the foggy dawn of evolution. When Man as we know him first appeared. And Woman, as she might have been, disappeared.
Once again, as happens annually this time of year in this neck of the woods, Neanderthal Days are upon us. Hard-ons with weapons are roaming the countryside, shooting their wads at anything that moves (flies flees runs trips falls panics freezes), congratulating themselves on their masculinity. Their virility. Their bravery. Their record-setting weenies.
Meanwhile, let me congratulate certain young offspring of these tiresome throwbacks, a growing number of whom are refusing to take part in this antiquated male-bonding charade their fathers are attempting to shove up their lily-white asses. Who've shown they possess a latent intelligence gene deep in the mire of their genetic code, demonstrating that the capacity for compassion, for comprehending the larger picture, for thinking outside the box (or the scope of a high-powered rifle) is still possible in this sad sad world, despite enormous odds and no support from the homefront.
Speaking of which.
Several days after the "bomb threat" at my daughter's school (which resulted in a 45-minute lockdown with students scarfing emergency treats and discussing Britney Spears' parenting techniques while Harold Houdini and the Powers That Be determined the threat was a hoax), an item appeared on the front page of the state's biggest newspaper:
"Hunters Bag Half-Ton Moose! Largest On Record!"
There I am, negotiating a patch of sun with my morning coffee, attempting to greet yet another new day in this sad sad world, and this is what greets me. On the front page, no less. You could hear the impact as I fell headlong into my annual bout of Hunting-Seasonal Depression. I wanted to scream. I wanted to holler. I wanted to tear out my hair. I wanted to tear out into the woods and shoot the nearest hunter I came across. I wanted to shoot him and shoot him again and shoot him once more and watch him die in agony and then have my picture taken next to him and call the state's biggest newspaper:
"Woman Bags 200-Lb. Animal Abuser! Smallest Dick On Record!"
But this, of course, will never happen. Why? Because I'm one of "those."
I don't own a firearm. I never have. I never will. I don't kill people. I certainly don't kill animals. I'm a vegetarian. I try to buy cruelty-free products. I try to read labels. I believe all sentient beings have the same rights when it comes to pain and suffering. Just because some being isn't human, doesn't mean I have the right to torture it or mutilate it or murder it or eat it or wear it or hang it on the wall. What in god's name do these hunters think an animal feels when it dies in this way? How can these people live with themselves? Are they truly that morally bankrupt? that pathologically self-centered?
I'm no saint. I don't live perfectly. I have blood on my hands. But I try to live intentionally. I try to live in awareness. I try.
Consequently, I'm a joke. A bunny-hugger. A chicken. A sissy. I'm un-American. Unpatriotic. Holier-than-thou. A laughingstock. "Who does she think she is?" I've been hearing that ever since I can remember. "If we are what we eat, then you're a fruit!" or "...a vegetable!" Been there, heard that. Believe me, it's a lonely job being the Sally Field of Animal Rights in this neck of the woods.
So. You're a Carnivore and I'm a Veg-head. So fucking what? These are names, Stupid. These are playground taunts. These are words. They could be written on the side of a building with spray paint. On a driveway with chalk. On a bathroom wall. With lipstick. Words will never hurt me. Words will never hurt you. But as any preschooler knows...any gut-shot half-ton moose plunging panic-stricken through the jackpine knows...there are many many things that will.

"What in god's name do these hunters think an animal feels when it dies in this way? How can these people live with themselves? Are they truly that morally bankrupt? that pathologically self-centered?"
How little you understand hunting. The majority of hunters I know have the utmost respect for the creatures they hunt. In most cases the animal dies a quick and painless death. Occasionally an animal is hit badly and dies slowly but this pales in comparison to the living hell our domestic meat producing animals are put through the duration of their lives. I’m positive that if domestic animals could talk, they would welcome death in order to be put out of the horror of their existence. Envision your worst nightmare; this is what their lives are like. I’ve seen footage of our meat production factories and was truly saddened by the cruelty humans are capable of. No hunting kill I have ever witnessed can compare. As a hunter, I call the individuals responsible for the general populations’ meat supply morally bankrupt and the general populations out of sight out of mind attitude very offensive. Do you and others think the meat in the supermarket grows on tress? Hunters also play an imperative roll in keeping animal populations in check preventing high mortality rates due to starvation, a far worse lingering death for an animal. Data is available if you take the time to look. I’m an animal lover and member of many wildlife federations that assist threatened species as are many other hunters. You and many other folks must revaluate their stereotypical opinion of bloodthirsty hunters next time they take a bite out of that hamburger. I don’t have to tell you who I think the real pathologically self-centered people are who do not take the time to investigate their own food supply.
To repeat, I'm a vegetarian. I DO investigate my food supply. It does NOT contain meat. I haven't eaten meat in 25 years. I agree that those who do not investigate their food supply are also pathologically self-centered. In my opinion this includes the vast majority of Americans, but don't get me started.
You write, "how little you understand hunting." I might counter with "how little you understand morality." It is NOT your right to decide if another animal (don't forget, YOU are an animal) should or should not die. Any more than it's up to me to decide if some hunter out in the bush should.
You write, "(I) have the utmost respect for the creatures (I) hunt." Perhaps you might reacquaint yourself with the meaning of the word "oxymoron." No pun intended. The words "hunt" and "respect" are mutually exclusive. You also write, "In most cases the animal dies a quick and painless death." First of all, "death" being the operative word here, I repeat, it is NOT up to you to decide these things. And second, how the hell do you know what a quick and painless death is? Death is death is death. There are no fractions in death.
Perhaps you might also investigate what it is you are honestly feeling, deep inside, when you pull that trigger. Think about THAT moment. What are you getting out of it? Does it feel just the tiniest bit thrilling? powerful? And YOU'RE trying to convince ME you have the right to experience this at the expense of another creature's right to life? Now THERE'S food for thought.
There are ways to control overpopulation (both non-human and human, but let's not go there) that do not include violence. That aside, do you believe the human species has the right to usurp every environment on the globe for their own selfish purposes? Don't forget, humans are the ones who continue to force many non-human species into smaller and smaller areas, altering habitat and creating the disasters of both overpopulation AND extinction.
There are many others out there who do not think like you do. You are obviously a cut above the typical hunter when it comes to intelligence and a certain skewed compassion, I recognize that. But I also recognize that you are sadly unfamiliar with the thinking of many equally intelligent and compassionate non-hunters who have come to the realization that there is absolutely NO NEED to continue this barbaric morally-questionable practice in the 21st Century. Non-animal-based food is in overabundance in this technological nirvana we live in. Welcome to progress. Welcome to evolution.
six spruce
Fair enough, as long as you equally despise hunters and anyone that consumes meat purchased in the supermarket. The majority of people that have a hatred for hunters also use animal products daily. These people are hypocrites and walking contradictions. At least you practice what you preach which is more than most people do. I will repeat though how little you understand hunting. When I release my arrow and slay an animal many emotions and thoughts go through my mind. I’m happy to say thrill seeking or proving my manhood have nothing to do with any of my kills. It may surprise you to know that there is a remanent of sadness. It sounds as though you have mistaken the majority of hunters as trophy hunters in which case you point of view of hunters is understandable. We are both set in our ways. I believe taking an animal is part of God’s harvest. You do not. However, we agree, in order for one organism to live other life must die.
Well you finally showed your hand. "God's harvest"??? With apologies to Shakespeare, "There are more horrors done in the name of God than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio." You are typical after all. This dialogue has ended.
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